Tsoom fwv Suav txiav tsis muaj kev xaiv tsa nom tshiab los hloov tus qub lawm. Yog li no, President Xi Jinping yuav ua nom kav Suav Teb mus tag ib tiam. Qhov no ua rau lwm lub tebchaws xav hais tias Suav yuav tsis muaj kev hloov los ua tebchaws ywjpheej lawm. Kev lag luam los yuav nyuaj tshaj lawm. Kev koom sam (Communism) nyob rau sab Asia yuav muaj loj zuj zus tuaj. President Xi Jinping will remain in power for years to come under the change. What effect would this has for the rest of Asian countries? Western countries fear it will make it harder for any political reform and opposition in China. A huge drawback for liberal activists who are pushing China to a more open society. They believe this change will bring even greater repression.

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