3HMONGTV NEWS (08/07/2023) – Today, Nelsie Yang filed for a second term as member of St. Paul City Council.

For Immediate Release
August 7, 2023
Contact: LyLy Vang-Yang, 612-219-8659

Councilmember Nelsie Yang Files For Her Second Term

Saint Paul, MN – Today, Councilmember Nelsie Yang filed to continue to represent Ward 6. In
her first term, she worked alongside community leaders, organizations, and elected officials to
champion deeply affordable housing, workforce development, rent stabilization, investments to
libraries and community centers, launching a citywide electrical carshare program, and
sponsored a council resolution endorsing Medicare For All. Nelsie supported the work of Saint
Paul’s Early Learning Legislative Advisory Committee as well as the Recovery Act Community
Reparations Commission. Additionally, she served as Vice Chair of Library Board, Vice
President of Board of Water Commissioners, Member of Housing and Redevelopment Authority
Board, & Member of Purple Line Policy Committee. Nelsie’s priorities for her next term include
continued investments into deeply affordable housing on the East Side, supporting
entrepreneurs of color, and advancing policies at the local level that alleviate poverty.

Mai Chong Xiong, Ramsey County Commissioner District 6 and Campaign Co-Chair, states,
“Nelsie runs a campaign for the people, by the people, and her work in City Hall is reflective of
that. From funding the installation of the world’s first bronze bust of Olympic Gold Medalist
Sunisa Lee at Phalen Regional Park to supporting the bold vision of developing the former
Hillcrest Golf Course into our nation’s first carbon neutral site, these investments put the East
Side on the map. It speaks volumes about Nelsie’s integrity and commitment to progress for
East Siders. I’m excited to support Nelsie so that we continue having a strong leader for the
East Side!”

Nelsie is endorsed by the Saint Paul DFL, Stonewall DFL, Saint Paul Federation of Educators,
Sheet Metal Workers Local 10, LIUNA, SEIU State Council, International Brotherhood of
Electrical Workers Local 110, and OutFront Action, with more endorsements to come.

Nelsie is a first-generation daughter of Hmong refugees and grew up in a low-income
household. Wealth was the single, largest determining factor of her family’s quality of life and
because she lived much of her life in scarcity, she vows to never let poverty write anyone else’s
story again. Nelsie works to end the cycle of poverty for working-class families and individuals
by eliminating the many social and economic barriers preventing the livelihood and full
participation of all East Siders. She believes they deserve to live in dignity with effective
healthcare, housing stability, fresh food, safe transportation, workers rights, equitable
developments, and more. Nelsie previously worked for TakeAction Minnesota as an organizer.
In 2019, she was the first Hmong American woman and youngest person elected at 23 years
old to the Saint Paul City Council. To learn more about Nelsie and her platform, visit her website
at www.nelsieyang.com.

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