March 14, 2018
Contact: Sam Fettig
651-201-3408 office
612-214-2886 cell
Minnesotans Respond to Governor Mark Dayton’s 2018 State of the State Address
PAUL, MN – Governor Mark Dayton delivered his eighth State of the State Address to a joint session of the Minnesota Legislature this evening. After the speech, Minnesotans responded by crediting the Governor for his continued commitment to education, economic growth and jobs, and hardworking taxpayers. Here is what they had to say.
“For the last seven years, Governor Dayton has been a champion for working Minnesotans and their families, advocating for investments in infrastructure, education, and economic development that are helping Minnesotans prosper. Governor Dayton again tonight has called for a robust infrastructure and jobs bill that would create economic opportunity for the people of Minnesota. We look forward to working with the Governor and the Legislature throughout the remainder of the 2018 Session to secure support for these important, job creating projects.”– Bill McCarthy, President, Minnesota AFL-CIO
“Governor Dayton has earned the title of ‘Education Governor’ again and again during his administration, from re-paying the school shift, to all-day kindergarten, to repairing the foundations of the state budget, to putting public education high on his agenda every single year. Tonight, the Governor called for more investment in Minnesota’s future—its students—from preschool to postsecondary. We urge the Legislature to follow Governor Dayton’s lead one more time.”– Denise Specht, President, Education Minnesota
“Over the past seven years, Governor Dayton has restored tax fairness and structural balance to the state budget. Because of this important progress, Minnesota has been able to focus on investing in its citizens, instead of scrambling to address chronic budget deficits. Again tonight, Governor Dayton wisely cautioned against reckless tax giveaways to wealthiest one percent and corporations that will force future cuts to the state services Minnesotans rely upon. We thank the Governor for his leadership.”– Chet Jorgenson, President, MAPE
“Governor Dayton has championed Minnesotans and their families for more than 40 years. As Governor, he has worked to raise wages and enhance workplace protections for Minnesota workers. In his final State of the State Address, the Governor again tonight urged the Legislature to invest in educational and economic opportunities for Minnesotans. We are grateful for Governor Dayton’s leadership over the past seven years. We look forward to working with him this Legislative Session and throughout the year to secure investments that strengthen Minnesota families and workers.”– Jamie Gulley, President, SEIU Healthcare
“The University of Minnesota, with five campuses, extension offices and research centers around the state, adds significant educational, cultural and economic value to communities in every corner of Minnesota. During his time in office, Governor Dayton has always been a friend to the University. I thank Governor Dayton for his strong support for investments in higher education this year.”– Eric Kaler, President, University of Minnesota
“Minnesota has always been a national leader in providing exceptional higher education opportunities and workforce training. With 54 campuses in 47 communities and 375,000 students across the state, Minnesota State is the key to developing the talent needed to grow Minnesota’s economy. Governor Dayton’s support for higher education has helped ensure greater educational opportunities for all Minnesotans, no matter who they are or where they live.”– Chancellor Devinder Malhotra, Minnesota State
Governor Dayton’s Cabinet:
“Minnesota’s finances are back on track. During the last seven years Minnesota paid $2.7 billion back to our schools and built up the state’s rainy day funds to $2 billion. Governor Dayton has delivered balanced budgets in nine out of the last ten forecasts. And he accomplished this while also making important investments in the future of our state. Because of Governor Dayton’s sound fiscal management, Minnesota is now on a solid fiscal foundation, evidenced by our credit ratings, which are some of the highest out of any state in the nation.”– Commissioner Myron Frans, Minnesota Management and Budget
“I want to thank Governor Dayton for his commitment to kids and families. Over the past seven years the governor has worked on bipartisan solutions to improve equitable access and opportunity for our students from birth to higher education. It has been an absolute honor to have been by his side in this important time of rebuilding, restructuring and reenergizing our efforts on an excellent and equitable education for each and every Minnesota child.”– Commissioner Brenda Cassellius, Department of Education
“We all want our loved ones to receive the highest quality care, whether it is in a clinic, a hospital, or in a long-term care setting. As the problems with vulnerable adult regulation came to light, Governor Dayton provided essential leadership to draw in state resources and expertise to correct them. We’re now seeing the impact with greatly reduced backlogs on complaint investigations and needed systems change. The Governor is also addressing the broader challenge of elder abuse by bringing together leaders and community groups around a bipartisan set of proposals that protect the health, safety, and dignity of seniors and vulnerable adults while increasing standards of accountability for providers.”– Commissioner Jan Malcolm, Department of Health
“Governor Dayton has been a major supporter of outdoor recreation – from establishing the Governor’s Pheasant Summit and the Governor’s Pheasant Opener to this year’s bonding proposal to reinvest in our Parks and Trails. His efforts to support clean water – for people and aquatic life – has been without parallel. Under Governor Dayton’s leadership, industries and jobs that rely on the sustainable use of Minnesota’s natural resources are also thriving. His concern for the future of Minnesota’s environment and natural resources will sustain a better Minnesota for generations, and will continue to keep the state ranked among the best in the nation.”– Commissioner Tom Landwehr, Department of Natural Resources
“Now is the time we must invest in the tools and resources necessary to help our farm families while pushing our rural economy forward. Governor Dayton’s strong bonding proposal will ensure financing through the Rural Finance Authority for those who need it and invigorate our rural communities with necessary infrastructure projects.
“It is imperative that we Minnesotans do all we can to protect our ground and surface water. As stewards of these natural resources, Governor Dayton recognizes that farmers are integral partners in any plan to improve our aquifers, lakes, and rivers. We must come together at the local and state levels and rely on the best research available if we are to make a difference. Our water quality will be our legacy. We must decide now if that legacy will be one to be proud of.– Commissioner Dave Frederickson, Department of Agriculture
“Governor Dayton has been a champion for working people and their families throughout his two terms – raising the minimum wage and expanding paid parental leave for public employees. Tonight, Governor Dayton reaffirmed his commitment, highlighting proposals to end wage theft and predatory payday lending practices. These proposals will support the financial wellbeing of families across Minnesota.”– Commissioner Ken Peterson, Department of Labor and Industry
“During the past seven years, Governor Dayton has worked hard to create a strong and diverse economy that benefits Minnesotans, everywhere in the state. We have made great progress, but there is still work to be done, particularly when it comes to economic equity and ensuring that all Minnesotans are on a path to prosperity and independence. I am eager to work with the Governor during his final year in office to ensure that Minnesota’s talented workforce and businesses remain innovative and competitive.”– Commissioner Shawntera Hardy, Department of Employment and Economic Development
“Development of high-speed broadband is critical to economic development, education, health care, small business growth, and quality of life. Governor Dayton’s commitment of State funding, partnered with private investment, is ensuring border-to-border high-speed internet access across all of Minnesota.”– Commissioner Mark Phillips, Department of Iron Range Resources & Rehabilitation
“Governor Dayton’s commitment to higher education during his two terms in office has been extraordinary. Under his leadership, need-based aid to students has increased dramatically, and his support for public colleges and universities is helping them right their ship after years of disinvestment. He also understands that excellence in education relies on state-of-the art facilities and infrastructure. The investments outlined tonight will help institutions continue to educate and train the workforce our state needs, and help Minnesotans realize the promise of upward mobility.”– Commissioner Larry Pogemiller, Office of Higher Education
“Under Governor Dayton’s leadership, Minnesota is making dramatic progress in building a strong clean energy economy. Twenty-five percent of Minnesota’s electricity is now generated from renewable resources including wind and solar, and 57,000 Minnesotans are currently employed in clean energy jobs. Governor Dayton’s commitment to Minnesota’s clean energy growth is creating new jobs and business opportunities for Minnesotans across our state.”– Commissioner Jessica Looman, Department of Commerce
“Under Governor Dayton’s leadership, Minnesota has bolstered its reputation as a leader in human services. From expanding Medicaid coverage to thousands of people – one of his first acts in office – to his proposal that would allow everyone to buy into MinnesotaCare, Governor Dayton has exemplified our state’s tradition of caring for one another. The Governor’s policies made important investments in safety net services for vulnerable people and reformed how we care for people with substance use disorders, mental illnesses, and other needs. Minnesota has a solid framework to build on for years to come.”– Commissioner Emily Piper, Department of Human Services
“Governor Dayton continues to be supportive of the successful reentry of those leaving our facilities. The Governor’s attention to addressing addiction and the opioid crisis in our state will lead to productive people who can be engaged as working and taxpaying citizens. We are grateful for the Governor’s support of our work to reduce recidivism in Minnesota.”– Commissioner Tom Roy, Department of Corrections
“Governor Dayton’s leadership on water protection is historic, and unprecedented. Having worked in state government over my 40-year career, Governor Dayton has transformed the entire discussion, challenging Minnesotans to answer one simple question, ‘How can we accelerate our work for cleaner, safer water?’ His actions speak louder than words; most notably his budgets have accelerated clean water action, including the nation-leading stream buffers program. Again this year, his public works proposal for safe, clean, affordable water shouts his commitment, seeking $167 million.”– Commissioner John Linc Stine, Minnesota Pollution Control Agency
“Governor Dayton’s leadership and policies have restored fiscal stability while also delivering better government – including increased spending with minority, women, disabled, and veteran-owned businesses, restoration of the State Capitol, and innovative service delivery across state government. Tonight, Governor Dayton reaffirmed his commitment to continue investing in the repair and maintenance of public infrastructure, and ensure a diverse, inclusive and environmentally sustainable state government. These proposals will ensure Minnesota continues to be one of the best run states in the country.”– Commissioner Matt Massman, Department of Administration
“Governor Dayton understands that the Twin Cities metropolitan region plays a critical role in our entire state’s economic vitality. He continues to be a steadfast supporter of a transportation system that offers a vast array of mobility options. Under his leadership, we have built out a more robust regional transit network, which connects millions of people with jobs, education, and opportunity. We have seen ridership records shattered again and again, on an award-winning transit system. As he laid out in his speech, he understands that providing opportunity to all people is the cornerstone of an equitable and thriving region and state.”– Chair Alene Tchourumoff, Metropolitan Council
“We’ve learned that kids who have a safe, stable place to call home do better in school. That’s one of the reasons that Governor Dayton has championed resources for safe, affordable housing. As a result of these investments, almost 400,000 households across Minnesota have been helped by housing programs during the Dayton Administration. These critical housing resources have helped families make their homes a foundation for success and support economic growth for our state.”– Commissioner Mary Tingerthal, Minnesota Housing Finance Agency
“Governor Dayton has been a strong supporter of Minnesota’s transportation system. He has been steadfast in his work to ensure that the state will have adequate transportation funding now as well as decades into the future.”– Commissioner Charlie Zelle, Department of Transportation
“Governor Dayton’s leadership has made our tax system fairer for hard-working Minnesotans while bringing fiscal stability to the state budget. Minnesotans deserve a tax system that works for everyone, and the Governor continues to lead us in the right direction as he focuses on preserving Minnesota’s fiscal integrity while making crucial investments for our future.”– Commissioner Cynthia Bauerly, Department of Revenue
“Clean water is what Minnesotans expect. From the buffer law to the Minnesota Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program to investments in local conservation implementation, this Administration has worked with many local partners across the state to improve the water quality of our lakes, streams, rivers, and groundwater.”– Executive Director John Jaschke, Board of Water and Soil Resources
“Governor Dayton supports programs that benefit Minnesota Veterans and their families. When the war is over, our real work begins. Every step of the way Governor Dayton has supported our efforts, from housing homeless Veterans, to providing top notch care and facilities at our State Veterans Homes, to ensuring all Veterans have access to honorable burial. He shares our vision of bringing Minnesota Veterans ‘all the way home.’”– Commissioner Larry Shellito, Department of Veterans Affairs
“Governor Dayton has previously created a more inclusive Minnesota for all by supporting the adjustment of construction workforce participation goals and the passage of the Women’s Economic Security Act. Governor Dayton continues to provide strong, long-term leadership for Minnesota’s long-term success with his proposals to combat sexual harassment and extend workforce certificates in his bonding proposal. His commitment to ensure opportunities for all in Minnesota will ensure that our state continues to be one of the highest performing states in America. – Commissioner Kevin Lindsey, Department of Human Rights
“Every day we see both in the news, and across Minnesota’s digital networks, that the cyber threat is growing more sophisticated, more skilled, more organized, and more professional. On behalf of the citizens of Minnesota, I want to thank Governor Mark Dayton for recognizing the need to support our cybersecurity defenses against those intent on stealing our personal information or disrupting the services on which so many Minnesotans rely. We know this fight requires strict attention and diligence as the battlefield evolves rapidly. With this investment, we will be better equipped to prevent disruptive attacks and protect the people of Minnesota. ”– Commissioner Johanna Clyborne, Minnesota IT Services
Office of Governor Mark Dayton, Communications Department
130 State Capitol, 75 Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd., St. Paul, MN 55155
T: 651-201-3400 | E: [email protected]